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Kyle Lai

President and CISO
KLC Consulting

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Kyle is President and CISO of KLC Consulting, an Authorized CMMC C3PAO company, and a board member of the C3PAO Forum. Kyle is an experienced cybersecurity and IT professional with over 20 years of expertise. Kyle has advised major companies across various industries, including defense, oil and gas, energy, finance, banking, healthcare, and manufacturing. Kyle has conducted thousands of supply chain cybersecurity assessments on behalf of the clients.


He holds several certifications, including CMMC Certified Professional (CCP) and Certified Assessor (Candidate CCA), CISSP, CSSLP, CISA, and CIPP/US/G, and ISO 27001 Lead Auditor. Currently serving as a virtual CISO and security advisor, Kyle focuses on securing the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) supply chain and developing cost-effective compliance solutions for companies in manufacturing, aerospace, engineering, software development, and IT services. 


Kyle's career includes working with prominent clients like ExxonMobil, Zoom, DISA, Boeing, HP, Fidelity Investments, Microsoft, Akamai, and PwC. He has served as the former CISO for Pactera and Brandeis University – Heller School and as an operations manager for DoD Cybersecurity Portal. 


His broad cybersecurity expertise covers security strategy, program management, vulnerability management, incident response, regulatory compliance, and third-party risk management. Kyle is highly regarded as a DoD cybersecurity expert and is well-versed in frameworks like NIST CSF, ISO 27001, NIST 800-171, and CMMC for Defense Industrial Base companies.

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